Monday, 1 July 2013

Baby names

Baby names are usually tricky and in selecting them one has to consider the factor of people either mistakenly calling it wrongly or peers purposely calling it wrongly for solely spite purposes.

   I recently mistakenly called a neighbors baby judas instead of judah. I honestly went over that name in my head before I voiced it and I thought I was on track till I mentioned it. I still cringe cos no one wants their baby being called judas. another name people are likely to mis-pronounce to upset the name bearer is the #Igbo name Amara being called Amala.
     Some Parents even give their babies horrible names that carry really horrible meanings . I've heard of kids being called -#trouble of the world, #rejected one, #male pig etc. This kids have a future and even if you don't believe it will affect them, just give them the chance of not having the name tarnish their future and give them something beautiful. You owe it to them. They didn't ask to be born.

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